Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thing 23 Summary

1. What were your favorite discoveries and exercises on this learning journey?
Definitely the blog, creative commons and other sources of media, mashups and everything on big huge labs, rollyo, the web2.0 awards list were my favorites.  In all honesty, every "thing" was like a new world--brave new world, maybe. I have come away with a new outlook on the art of communication. 

2.  How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
23 Things exposed me to some things I had heard of, but never used, but mostly I learned about things that I did not know existed.  Now that I have used them a little, and have conversed with the players who have such creative ways of using them, I am definitely going to continue to experiment. Even though I finished my podcast/ vodcast, I wasn't satisfied with the final product, so I have been searching for information.  This morning I found a blog post that really would have been helpful last week!
This was the best professional development I have had in many years.  Many of these things will be probably replace email, or evolve into email on steroids. I want to be ready to communicate comfortably.  Everything I learned not only can be used in our school and professional lives, but in our personal lives as well.

3.  Were there any take-away of unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? 
I had wanted to begin a blog. This program organized everything I needed to know and took me through step by step.  I have truly enjoyed the comraderie, and really would like to meet some of these people one day. Infomaniac has been a delight.

4.  What could we do differently to improve on this program's format or concept?
I appreciated that each thing began with solid readings and background material before we started the discovery piece.  I loved working at home and going at my own pace in my own time.  I guess that doesn't answer your question-- I have habit of not answering questions.  Sorry.  Since I had so much trouble finishing the podcast, I should be more responsible and contact the Kickball captains earlier.  But that wasn't your problem either.  Possibly more guidance for the macbook people, particularly when using garageband.

5.  If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? 
Definitely.  Summer was perfect for  me  to do the 23.  During the school year I would love an abbreviated program. I don't know if I would have been able to do all 23 things during  the school year,  

6.  How would you describe your learning experience in one word or in one sentence so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?
21st Century Communication

7.  Now go and comment on other blogs.
Kickball Captains, Thank you for offering this program through the tlc list so the "out of towners" could partake of your knowledge. It has been a splendid interlude.


Infomaniac said...

I really appreciated your response to my #23. I can't believe anyone would read my blog. You made my day. I laughed out loud at your "e-mail on steriods" description. Thank you for everything. If you are with HISD I might see you, but if not, e-mail me or post on your blog your suggestions for how to keep up with these passwords and user names.

Infomaniac said...

Your comments were right on--
I'm with you in question #5. I am soooo busy during the school year, I could not possibly do all we did this summer--like you said, maybe an abbreviated review (very abbreviated). Again, thank you for all your encouragement.

Blue Eyes blogging said...

Infomaniac, your email is not available in your profile, but I think mine is linked in my profile. Just send me an email and I will reply with how I create and remember passwords--it is not complicated. I may not have my computer for awhile, but I'll take care of it as soon I get it back.

kk said...

Congrats on completing 23 things, Blue Eyes! I'm jealous and how did you make your test different colors and so neat looking? I admire you sooooo much. Your comments are well thoughtout and concise.

Blue Eyes blogging said...

KK, when you create your post, there is a small tool bar to select the color of the font, bold the font, and a few other things. I appreciate your comments. Keep working in the "thing". It has been very worthwhile.

VWB said...

Looks like you have created a nice "community" through your participation. Hope you will keep all of us informed about what you are doing with your kids by using this blog!

Have taken note about your statement about Mac users...unfortunately, we are PC-based and really have no outlet to assist that way, but so glad you stuck with us!

Blue Eyes blogging said...

I look forward to participating in your programs in the future!! Many thanks!

Blue Eyes blogging said...

Greetings, I have a question for the kick ball captains. Will we receive a certificate of participation? Thank you!