Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thing 15 Web/Library 2.0 and the Future

All of these perspectives are from an OCLC Newletter published in 2006, yet they are still appropriate today. They serve as a definition of our professional code.  For concrete tools to implement these standards, visit Donna Baumbach's wiki.
In "Away From the Icebergs" Rick Anderson stresses  "placing the library services and content in the user's preferred environment (i.e., the Web); even better, it means integrating our services into their daily patterns of work study and play."
"Into a New World of Librarianship"  by Michael Stephens defines Librarian 2.o as the ability of the patron to access from wherever they are, asking the patron what technologies they need and use, creating no policies to impede access,  and avoiding techno-lust and techno-worship. He does not refer to "Web 2.0", but  uses the term "Librarians 2.0."
"To a temporary Space in Time" by Dr. Wendy Schulz defines the library of the future as "Library 4.0" and it will encompass, but not replace Library 1.0 (commodity), Library 2.0 (product), Library 3.0 ( 3d). She describes Library 4.0 as a mind spa, a "space for all the library's incarnations: storage (archives, treasures); data retrieval (networks-reference rooms); and commentary and annotation (salon). Of note, the author replaces the term "web" with "library. "

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