Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thing 5 Flickr and Creative Commons

This Boston Public Garden sculpture commemorates Robert McCullough's 1941 book, Make Way For Ducklings.  It is usually surrounded by fans of all ages, so this picture of the famous duck family is perfect for my discussion of this book.  Make Way for Ducklings, with its naming of the actual  streets surrounding the Garden, is ideal for projecting the area with the google maps with the labels.  According to the group of Flickr Creative Commons that this picture came from, I am supposed to give credit to the person that uploaded it to the Flickr.  Since I didn't see a citation format, I will simply put the info in parenthesis. 
(Photo courtesy of Shoothead, uploaded Jan. 24, 2007) 


Grendel said...

I have always loved that book, too! When a high school friend went to a science convention in Boston, she brought me back a tee shirt with a depiction of the statue on it. I always wore it when I read the book aloud. :)

Susanna said...

I read that book to my 3 year old daughter to put her to sleep. It has a knock-your-toddler-out cadence to it.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I visited Boston a few summers back. I met a book friend at the public gardens. I brought a copy of Ducklings that I'd bookcrossed and left it by the statues. My friend and I spent the afternoon talking and watching people stop by the book and read parts of it to their children. A happy memory.

Bennie said...

Love the ducks. Now I'm thinking of a photo that I should have used instead of the bluebonnets.

Blue Eyes blogging said...

Thank you, grendal, susanna, debnance, and bennie. I appreciate your comments about the ducks, but I was slow to understand how to respond via the first post. I think I have it now!! The duck sculpture is a real gathering point for kids of all ages.